WELCOME – Academy of Law and Migration - ADiM

Individual Members who joined
Institutional Partners who joined
Working Groups

“An Academy of excellence created to connect knowledge and competences of all those studying migration phenomena”


The Academy of Law and Migration (Accademia di Diritto e Migrazioni – ADiM) is a newly-established hub of academic networks, research groups, grassroots associations and individuals who are interested in promoting a scientific understanding of the phenomena linked to international migration and mobility. So far, about 230 scholars of all legal disciplines, as well as 20 departments and research institutes have joined this initiative promoted by the Department of of Linguistics, Literature, History, Philosophy and Law (DISTU) of Tuscia University within the framework of the Project of Excellence funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research (MIUR) for the five-year period 2018-2022..


ADiM has been designed and envisaged to overcome the isolation of researchers and research groups having a common interest in the field of international migration and mobility. Its mission is to contribute to reduce the fragmentation of the scientific debate over migration, by fostering stable relationships among different branches of legal research, on the one hand, institutionalising the cooperation between legal studies and social studies on migration, on the other hand.

ADiM’s goals are:

  • promoting a multi-disciplinary, multi-dimensional and multi-level approach to the multi-faceted phenomenon of international mobility, with a view to contribute to a virtuous process of knowledge-sharing and to a truly informed public debate;
  • providing support to Institutional Partners and Individual Members with a view to enhance their potential to set up and run courses and trainings on immigration and asylum;
  • creating a network of young researchers, by organising meetings on a regular basis, with a view to offering opportunities for discussion and focus on core issues relating to migration and mobility to doctoral students and postdoctoral research fellows;


ADiM operates through the scientific and dissemination activities led by its research and operational groups. All working groups shall meet on a regular basis, each time at a different venue and with a standalone programme. Each group has its own coordinators, who have been nominated during the Kick-off Meeting of ADiM, held at Tuscia University in November 2018.


The four research groups of the Academy approach migration studies from different interdisciplinary perspectives. Each group is in charge of organising thematic seminars and scientific workshops at different universities and venues.

The External Dimension

This Group investigates issues related to the external dimension of EU migration and asylum policies, following the routes of migrants from the country of origin to transit countries and towards Europe. The research activities focus on the push and pull factors of migration flows, on the cooperation between the countries of origin and transit, as well as on the issue of (ir)regularity of immigration channels.

The fields of research include:

  • Migration, colonialism and neo-colonialism
  • Migration channels for economic migrants and cooperation with the countries of origin
  • Migration channels for asylum seekers and cooperation with countries of transit / refuge
  • Fight against smuggling and trafficking; search and rescue operations

The National Dimension

This Group deals with the exercise of state sovereignty in cross-border control and in the management of the arrivals of those transiting or remaining in the territory of a State. The research focuses on the systems for reception of migrants and asylum seekers at the state level, on the return procedures and administrative detention.

The fields of research include:

  • Territory, borders and the Nation State
  • Reception upon arrival and management of unauthorised arrivals
  • Second reception and management of asylum seekers
  • Tools of exclusion: administrative detention, return and repatriation.

The European Dimension

This Group investigates immigration and asylum as constitutional and institutional challenges and opportunities for the European Union. The research focuses on issues related to freedom of movement, integrated border management, Schengen and Dublin cooperation.

The fields of research include:

  • The Europeanisation of borders: the role of Frontex and the identification techniques
  • The Dublin crisis: past, present and future of asylum in Europe
  • The Schengen crisis: terrorism, secondary movements and freedom of movement
  • Fortress Europe: the Europe of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The Challenges of Integration

This Group examines the patterns and the conditions for the integration of “new comers” in host societies. The research focuses on the regulation of labour markets, the access to social services, the legal conditions for the integration of aliens in host communities, the conditions for the attainment of citizenship rights.

The fields of research include:

  • The integration models: the multiethnic society of tomorrow
  • The economic integration: immigration and the labour market
  • The social integration: culture, identity, language and internal security
  • The legal integration: citizenship, nation, social rights.



The four operational Groups of ADiM engage in the dissemination of the research outcomes, in the management of joint educational activities, in the promotion of doctoral and post-doctoral networks, and in the realisation of advanced learning experiences and applied research.

Informed Public Debate Editorial Board

This working Group is responsible for ensuring the Academy contribution to the public debate on immigration through the dissemination of reliable information and the development of rigorous scientific analysis. The Group is led by a Coordinating Committee that steers the activities of ADiM Blog and defines the editorial policy of ADiM Newsletter. Any Member of ADiM, who is interested in contributing to the Blog or to the Newsletter, can adhere to the Informed Public Debate Editorial Board. Doctoral Colloquia Network.

This Group pursues the following aims:

  • Creating a network of doctoral programmes dealing with issues related to migration law, while organising joint professional courses in cooperation with ADiM;
  • Organising, through special calls, half-yearly doctoral and post-doctoral colloquia for the presentation and discussion of the research conducted by PhD students and postdoctoral research fellows, who are interested in developing and deepening their investigations;
  • Attending meetings for the presentation and discussion of the most important essays and books on immigration and asylum, with the active participation of PhD students and post-doc researchers (called to intervene as discussants and authors of papers).

Legal Clinics / Teaching & Training Division

In cooperation with local courts and bars, this Group aims to promote the liaisons between networks of experts in the field of forensic clinics, specialising in citizenship and immigration. The goal of legal clinics is to provide students with an education which combines theoretical study with practical trainings through the preparation of judicial and extrajudicial acts, the development of legislative observatories and the organisation of workshops on the legislation process.

The working Group also supports the creation of the following teaching and training activities:

  • Summer/Winter Schools
  • Specialisation courses on immigration
  • Laboratories of judicial reasoning and argumentation
  • Training courses for lawyers, judges and public servants.

Doctoral Colloquia Network

This Group pursues the following aims:

  • creating a network of doctoral programmes dealing with issues related to migration law, while organising joint professional courses in cooperation with ADiM;
  • organising, through special calls, half-yearly doctoral and post-doctoral colloquia for the presentation and discussion of the research conducted by PhD students and postdoctoral research fellows, who are interested in developing and deepening their investigations;
  • attending meetings for the presentation and discussion of the most important essays and books on immigration and asylum, with the active participation of PhD students and post-doc researchers (called to intervene as discussants and authors of papers).

Advanced Laboratory on European Union Legislation

This Laboratory is a space of analysis, debate and evaluation of the European legislative measures adopted – or proposed – under Title V of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The Lab is open to those members of ADiM with an expertise on topics concerning the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), and provides for regular meetings aimed at the drafting of progress reports on current EU legislation. Such meetings, organised in Italy and Brussels, shall be attended by ADiM Members alongside EP Members and Representatives of national and European Institutions. The Lab will also host workshops aimed to contribute to the debate on European legislation, providing decision-makers with strategic analysis and pre-assessment results of the opportunities and challenges faced by the Union in the short, medium and long term.